Design of Wairoa Steel Truss works started…

Work started last week on the design of the Wairoa Clip-on Walkway Trusses.

The concept was the winning solution as part of the successful Brian Perry Civil tender for the overall 175m long clip-on cycleway works for NZTA and Western Bay of Plenty District Council. The vibrant steel warren trusses designed by DC Structures Studio were put forward as an “alternative design” and are circa 50% lighter, circa 20% cheaper than the original specimen design trusses. The trusses have been designed to work in structural harmony with the ground breaking architectural pier attachments designed by Beca Ltd.

The overall warren truss + pier attachments solution is considered a “game changer” for maximising the use of existing bridge assets to help improve walking and cycling in and around the Bay of Plenty region. Current plan is for the cycle bridge trusses to be painted in alternating vibrant Resene aqua colours to help create an interesting and playful overall aesthetic that we hope will bring further interest and uptake in use of these important cycling assets.

We look forward to working closely with Brian Perry Civil, Beca, NZTA, and Western Bay of Plenty in the coming months to bring this project to life…

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Hornsby Cable Bridge

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Toki Poutangata Steel Railway Truss Bridge - View accross railway

Toki Poutangata Pedestrian Bridge

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